Monday, January 28, 2019

Stayin Sogod Strong

So the transfer announcements came this week and I am officially staying for another cycle.  I am the longest one in Sogod Zone, but It's all good because I'm loving it here.

We had a bunch of missionaries transfer and some new ones training so we basically spent 2 days just helping people at the terminal so they wouldn't get lost or anything.  Transferring is kinda crazy here but it's all good.  Anyways me and Elder Tabelisma are still companions and we are still working hard.  Right now we are here in Tacloban for MLC which should be a good time and next week we have a special conference and we get to meet with President Schmutz, the Philippines Area President, so that should be really cool.

One little adventure we had this week was we were going to this kinda far away area and on the way there were a bunch of statues of Jesus Christ and we starting following the statues and eventually ended up on the top of this hill with a really cool view of the whole Sogod Bay.  I sadly didn't have my camera but next time we go I will for sure take some pics.

Our main progressing people are Sister Glaiza and Brother James Carlo who are both set for baptism on February 23.  They are both doing really well and the only thing holding them back from baptism is that we need to finish teaching them.

Anyways cool to hear I have a room for college thats kinda crazy don't know if i'm ready for that haha.  Also I think I will buy a ukulele today :)

Anyways love you tons, the Church is true.  God is in control and we can trust in him.

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission

We asked how his toes are doing:  I will take a pic for next week.  They are growing back good, just about half way.

Pics us with some members after Church

Monday, January 21, 2019

I got nothing

I couldn't think of anything good for the title for this so sorry but it was a really great week.  We have been working hard and have had some good experiences this past week.  We hiked up a mountain to the house of one of our investigators and while we were there another part member came and listened to the lesson so that was cool we got another good investigator named Jovani.

We also had some FHE's this week with the branch which have been super fun.  We usually give the lesson and then we play some games which are pretty fun.  We have a really good relationship with the branch and I can see that they are starting to really want to help us with the work as well here in Sogod.

We have been in trio for the past few days as well because an Elder in our zone finished his mission and the one with us, Elder McGowan is like 6 foot 5 so it's kinda weird having someone super tall here.  It's kinda nice because he gets all the yelling from the kids and stuff and I just laugh haha.  

Anyways not a lot happened aside from that but it's transfers for the next few days so as always it should be exciting.  I love the work and this Gospel.  I have seen the Spirit guide us and I know that when we are on the Lord's errand he will help us.

Question from mom and dad:  Do you think you will stay in SoGod for your next transfer?  We don't know until tomorrow but I have the feeling that I am transferring but we will see.  I love Sogod but I have been here for a little while.

Love you tons!!

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission

Pictures from Sister Candidato

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Tapsilog and Beef Bulalo

So this week flew by.

Me and Elder Tabelisma had a lot of teaching this week and we were really busy so that was a blessing.  We got a new investigator that is a part member named Glaiza who came to church so that was pretty great.  We have been teaching mostly the same people and James Carlo also came to church so we are excited for them.

One of the biggest highlights of my week was that yesterday we had a special Philippines wide broadcast and Elder Holland and the Philippines Area Presidency spoke.  The talks from the area presidency had some really cool talks but Elder Holland's was of course my favorite.  He shared about the changes in the Church and how most of the changes have been talked about for over 50 years.  He also said that when the History of the Church is written the part about the Church in the Philippines will be one of the most amazing and remarkable parts.  He also spoke of the importance of obedience and following God's commandments and if we will be obedient we can start the Millennium personally and in our own home.  Pretty cool.

One cool story for the week was from exchanges.  Me and Elder Smith, one of the new americans in our zone, hiked for about 1 hour up a mountain to find a less active.  When we got to the spot we didn't know where their house was.  The first house we went to happened to be their house and we shared a really powerful lesson with them about coming to Christ.  

We also had our interviews with President Argana.  The Assistants gave us a training about becoming Gospel Scholars.  They focused on the importance of scripture study daily and learning by the Spirit.  I know that studying on my mission has definitely helped me learn and develop a stronger testimony and I would invite you as well to daily study.  Especially with the new Come, Follow Me book.

I know this Church is true and all the changes are just a way to hasten the work of the Lord.  

Love you tons!!!

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission

Oh I will respond to your questions as well.  My toenails are doing really good, I can actually wear shoes now.  No complications.  Also I gave your email to a Sister in our branch who went to the temple and she said she will send you pics so not sure when she will send them.

Pics with the Assistants, Elder Jaring goes home next week so it was the last time I will see him.

Lunch at the Candidato Family's Restaurant.

They're eating Tapsilog (Marinated Beef with Egg) and Beef Bulalo (it's kinda Beef Soup)

Sunday, January 6, 2019

2019 is here!

Happy New Years 

This was a pretty good week once again.  It was a little bit long because we had to go home at 5 on new years eve and on new years because everyone was drinking and singing karaoke into the early hours of the morning and their were lots of firecrackers going off so that was pretty fun. We also got fed a lot by the members so that was great :) The members in Sogod treat the missionaries very well.

We also had the 2 hour church which was kinda different.  We do Sunday School first here because people are always super late but they want everyone to be there for the sacrament so Sunday School was pretty small.  But it was good.  We also got to have a special broadcast from the Area Presidency of the Philippines which introduced the area plan.  It is focused on 3 words.  Obey, Covenant and Establish.  It focused on simple ways to incorporate these things into building the Church in the Philippines and it was really cool.

The work has been a little bit slow because all of our investigators were doing stuff for new years so we didn't have a lot of teaching but we still saw some miracles of being led to people or helping to strengthen less active members.  James Carlo, our good progressing investigator, was staying with his family in Milagroso which is a really far away barangay so he didn't come to church which was kinda sad but we are still excited for him to keep progressing as well. 

Question from mom and dad - What language do you speak in your apartment?  It's kinda mixture in the apartment.  The mission wants all the filipinos to learn english so I help out and my companion is getting pretty good at english but we also speak a lot of Cebuano as well. Also I forgot to say I have not yet bought a ukulele but the next time I got to Tacloban I will.

Love you tons, 
also I forgot my camera so no pics sorry

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission