Monday, August 27, 2018

The Missionary Life

After all the craziness of last week we had a solid normal week of work.  It was nice.

We have been doing a lot of finding and teaching this week but I am starting to figure out that Sogod is a pretty tough area.  My companion has been here for 3 and a half months and had 1 baptism which is really good.  He is the only one who has been baptized here in the last year.  Most of the missionaries that I talk to tell us that Sogod is the hardest zone and missionaries don't love being assigned there.  But, we endure and I think Me and Elder Arienda will be having 2 baptisms on September 15 so fingers crossed.

My cebuano has improved a lot this past week.  I have been understanding almost everything and have been able to add a lot more to the lessons and take the lead answering questions during the lessons so the Gift of Tongues is real.  We had exchanges this week and one of the Elders is brand new to the mission and it was fun being able to relate to his struggles learning the language even though he is brand new and I am at my year mark.  What can I say this is a pretty unique mission haha.

Our main investigators that we have right now are Brother Marlon who is progressing really well and is the brother of a member so he has been coming to church and also this kid named Johann who is a part member as well.  Part members are the secret to having success here in Sogod and throughout the mission so we have been working with members to see who else we can teach.  We were able to find 10 new investigators this week which took a lot of effort and talking to a lot of really uninterested catholic people but I could see the Lord leading us to the people that we needed to talk to.

One good part about being assigned here is that the members are super awesome.  We have a bunch of RM's and they are all super helpful with the work and just fulfilling callings.  Our branch mission leader is named Brother Pats and he is actually famous in the mission because of a video he made on his mission about using your card to withdraw money. On youtube it is called JP Morgan Tutorial PCM i think. He is super funny and helps us out a bunch.  Also we have an RM that served in the same mission as Connor and Rubina and knew them both, small world.

Anyways we are doing well the missionary that had surgery is still in Ormoc until tomorrow and then will be getting an update from President Argana to see what is going on so we might be busy again next week.  Thanks for all the prayers for us I can definitely feel the help and see the blessings.  I love being able to share the message of the Gospel and realizing how blessed we are to have the knowledge that we have.  I know it is true.

Love you tons!!

Also Dad your math is correct haha.  Only 7 more transfers, paspas kaajo (very fast)😬

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission

Monday, August 20, 2018

Travel Log for the Craziest Week of the Mission

So much happened this week I don't even know where to start.

Ok so 1st, we had MLC and we played a bunch of minute to win it games and stuff and my team took 2nd which was fun.  We also built castles and our team's was super cool I will send a picture.  After that we had an FHE with all the mission leaders which was cool, especially that you got to facebook live and see it.  After that we stayed at this super nice pension house and had hot showers. I know crazy right haha.

The next day we had the actually MLC just talking about ways to improve the mission and any problems we are facing.  President and Sister Argana also gave training about how the mission has changed since they got here and how much they love all the missionaries which was super good.  This July our mission had 129 baptisms which was the highest we have had for a long time so we celebrated.  

We traveled back to Sogod and worked for wednesday and then all the elders in our zone came over that night because we then had to got to Ormoc the next morning for zone conference.  We rented an entire van for the zone and traveled super early in the morning.  Me and Elder Arienda got told we would have to prepare a training for it so we had like 1 day to figure out what to teach to 3 zones. I was pretty nervous especially because we had to practice teach in front of everyone in Cebuano.  It turned out super well and President kept thanking us for how great it was so we were pretty stoked.

After the conference we came back to Sogod because the next day we had interviews with President Argana in Sogod so everyone slept in our apartment again.  We had to prepare another training for that so we were super busy.  The interviews were really great and President Argana expressed his love for us and his appreciation for our hard work.  and after he took me and Elder Arienda out to eat at the nicest restaurant in Sogod.  It was delicious.

So we figured that was it for what we would have to do for the week but then on Saturday afternoon President called us and told us we needed to go to Ormoc again because one of the Elder's in our zone had appendicitis and needed an operation so we had to go and help out there.  We were just going to go and come back in the night but there was no transportation so we stayed with the ZL's in Ormoc and then left at 3 in the morning to make it to church on time in Sogod.  

It was a super crazy week and I was the most tired I have been throughout my whole mission but I really enjoyed all the craziness and getting to know all the missionaries in my zone better.  I definitely felt the help of the Spirit to be able to handle all the responsibilities placed upon us.

Oh and as for our investigators we have Brother Marlon who we found who is pretty cool and keeps coming to church so he should be getting baptized in September and also Johann who is like 10 but he should also be getting baptized in September.  

Anyways love you tons!!!! The church is true!!

Elder Holmstead
Phillipines Tacloban Mission

Missionary Leadership Council
July 3, 2018
Fatima Chapel, Tacloban City

The ZLs with the Assistants to the President - Elder Murphy, farther left and Elder Jaring, 7th from left.

The mission leaders
seated, l-r: Sisters Sagairan, Aradani, Razo, Escritor, P/S Argana, Sisters Osmun, David, Lagunsay, Mansaloon
2nd row, l-r: Sisters Borromeo, Nye, Coscos, Elders Miller, Quirante, Holmstead, Wardrop, Rogers, Hassan, 
Munson, Arienda, Sisters Koloi, Gaugau, Belleza, Budungan

Castle from MLC

Zone Conference 8-15-18

Elder Holmstead receiving his package with Elder Acosta, Elder Field and Elder Oross at the background, and Elder Cacho on the foreground.

Missionary Schedule from Zone Conference 

Visiting Elder Flores

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Life's Good in Sogod

So this week has been one of the craziest of the mission.

First up we got a call from President Argana that I would be a zone leader and that Elder Ababa my companion would be a district leader and a trainer so that was pretty crazy.   I basically just spent all of Tuesday packing and then on Wednesday I headed off to Sogod (pronounced "so good").

My first week there has been a little bit rough because they speak cebuano J there, which is the farthest from waray waray h so it has been an adjustment.  I am so sagul sagul(like mixed up) I feel like I am just back in my training again except for this time we are the leaders of the zone and have to set the example.  in Waray good morning is Maupay nga Aga but now it is Maajong Buntog so it's a big adjustment.

My new companion is Elder Arienda.  He is actually in my batch so it's pretty cool.  He is from Manila so he is native tagalog but he speaks cebuano really well so that's been good.  He is pretty easy going but he is also a really hard worker which is good because Sogod zone is the least progressing zone in the mission.  We will see if we can change that.

Sogod is really big it is basically a city we have a mall in our area and a ton of people so it's pretty cool except for I have been lost the whole time.  I am trying to figure out the area and get to know the members right now but the main priority is adjusting to the language so send some prayers my way.

The one big thing I have seen though is that God always wants us to be improving. He is always trying to help us be better and to get out of our comfort zone.  I have been seeing that because in Dulag I had a great companion and could speak the language well but now I am back to adjusting but I know that I am having this experience to help me grow and become a better missionary. I couldn't ask for any better way to improve.

Sayong this computer also is not letting me send pictures so sorry I have a bunch but it is not letting me send them sorry.

But i am doing great loving it here in Sogod.  I am actually in Tacloban right now because we have a Mission Leadership Council today and tomorrow so that should be fun.  I'll let you know what kind of stuff we do.

Also the drive from Tacloban to Sogod I am convinced is one of the prettiest drives in the world.  Google the Agas Agas Bridge it is crazy.

Anyways Love you Tons!!!

Gihigugma nako kamo

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Zone Leader Letter 8-8-18

PHILIPPINES TACLOBAN MISSION                                                               August 8, 2018
511 Maharlika Highway
Fatima Village
Tacloban City
6500 Leyte

Dear Brother and Sister Holmstead,
It is our pleasure to inform you that Elder Holmstead has been called to serve as a Zone Leader in the Philippines Tacloban Mission. This calling comes from God, we know that he will lead the zone in all aspects of the work. He will be responsible for helping the missionaries in his zone become the men and women the Lord intends them to be. He will be helping the Lord create future leaders in the mission and his kingdom. The key to his success is to lead as the Savior did.
There are many important functions that a zone leader is entrusted including:  
 Set good examples for the missionaries in their zone in all aspects of missionary work and conduct.
Achieve the mission standard of excellence each month.
 Conduct companionship exchanges with all district leaders in the zone at least once a transfer cycle.
 Look after the well-being of missionaries. Facilitate the district leaders, sister training leaders and the missionaries themselves to problem solve.
 Work with local priesthood leaders. They should meet with the District/Stake President in a monthly basis to report on the work of their zone and seek what else can be done to improve the work
 Train their replacements.
We greatly appreciate his dedication in the mission in enabling eternal conversion through faith in Christ and his good works. It has been our great opportunity to witness him develop these great leadership skills which will help him in the future opportunities as an instrument in the hands of God in his to build His kingdom. Thank you for all your support and prayers for your son which aid in his ability to accomplish this great work. 
Description: Mission LogoOnce again, we appreciate your support and prayers for this faithful and capable missionary. Thank you for sending us such a dedicated servant of our Father in Heaven.

Sincerely your brother,

Eduardo M. Argana
Philippines Tacloban Mission President

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Back to the Grind

This was the last week of the cycle and officially the end of Elder Ababa's follow up training.  I am thinking he might transfer so I may be getting a new companion but I hope not because we are doing some good work here in Dulag.  

Speaking of the work we had 4 investigators come to church which is the highest I have had here so that was awesome.  Brother Lupe, still hasn't been interviewed :(, but he is still doing good.  We had Sister Arelyn, a new investigator that we had come to church and two different teenagers named Lyca come to church.  We were super excited because we have been working really  hard to get them to church.

Next week we have the 1st official Stake Conference for the newly created Tolosa Stake so a member of the Seventy is coming so that should be pretty cool.  Also one of the rc's here is getting interviewed for the Melchizedek Priesthood so that was also an awesome thing to see.

We had a district meeting this last week in this little place named Canmogsay and afterwords we got fed by a member and they gave us so much food that was super marasa.  We were super full it was legit.

Thanks for all the emails, I love reading them!! 

Keep yourself focused on the Gospel and no matter what happens you will be happy!

Love you tons!!!

Sorry no pics:(

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission