Sunday, September 9, 2018

Chilling with the Zone trying not to be Trunky

So this week was really busy, which is basically just the normal for us so it was good.  

We had exchanges with the elders from Bontoc and they are both going home next week so they were super trunky and talking about plans after the mission so we were having a good time. We had and really good exchange and I worked my companion Elder Fortun really hard for his last exchange.

They also had 5 baptismal interviews so we were super busy interviewing and helping get everything prepared for their baptisms.  I only had to interview one because the rest spoke only Tagalog so I was out.  They all passed so it was good.  We also got one of our investigators interviewed this week so we will have a baptism on Saturday.  

Sadly Brother Marlon backed out and wants to wait until October for his baptism so we had to extend him but Brother Juhann is getting baptized this next week :)

Aside from that we got another investigator named Angelica committed to an IBD which was way cool.  She is a part member and after our first visit she said that she went to her bed and prayed and felt a great feeling so she knows that this church is true.  She is progressing really well but is not married so we are trying to work that out.  That is one of the biggest problems in the Philippines because it is almost impossible to get divorced so most people just live together so we are trying to help her get married.

Also this year I hit my 1 year mark in the Philippines Tacloban Mission.  It is crazy to look back and realize how much I have learned and grown over the past year.  I have developed a big love for the Filipino people and how happy and humble they are.  I am so grateful that I am assigned here and I know that this is where I need to be.  I know that missions are not easy but they are an amazing experience full of blessings.  I know this Church is true with all my heart.

Love you tons!!!!

Oh and I have an exchange tomorrow with the AP's in Tacloban so I should be able to pick up the package.

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission

We asked Elder Holmstead to tell us about his apartment and sends us some pics.  Here is his response and pictures:

It is just me and Elder Arienda but the apartment is super nice and clean.  We have a working shower(cold of course) but it's better than nothing.  It's a super good apartment though.

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