Sunday, May 27, 2018

Stake Conference and a White Guy

Super Great Week

So i'll start it off that for the last two days we were in Carigara for our stake conference.  There were a lot of people there and it was fun to meet members from all over the stake and see all the missionaries.  It's kinda crazy because most of the stake speaks waray but some speak cebuano so it's all sorts of craziness trying to talk to people.

It was all focused on ministering which was good to get everyone up to date on the whole changes.  We had a guy come from the temple department in Utah and he spoke.  It was super weird having an american speak at church but he gave his whole talk in Cebuano because he served in the Tacloban Misson 20 years ago and actually baptized a family whose son received the Melchizedek Priesthood yesterday so that was pretty cool.  We also had the Cebu Temple President speak so that was awesome.  One thing that I really like from I think Brother Sutton (the white dudes) talk was that he said he may look american and be from America but his heart is Pinoy because it was in the Philippines that he really came to know the gospel is true.  That just really stuck with me because I have really grown my testimony as I have been here with the amazing people of the Philippines.

Update on our investigators:
Joel Yare: 19 he is super awesome and we visited his family that lives so far away from society that I wonder how it is possible to survive but they seem happy and have food so that was good.  We just shared about the plan of salvation and taught his whole family so that was really cool

Sister Wilma: I said not really anything has happened with her in my skype but she has had lots of cool experiences since then.  She has already read up to Alma in the book of mormon and she started two weeks ago.  She said we have really been a blessing in her life and we recently started teaching her 9 year old son Reggie also.

Balce Family: Literally my favorite family ever.  I have literally witnessed the Gospel change their lives.  Tatay Balce told us last week that he has really been struggling with the word of wisdom and we committed him to follow it.  Yesterday we visited them and he said he has stopped smoking and drinking and it was amazing to see how fast he responded to our commitment.  Sister also shared that she has seen that her family is so much happier since we have been teaching and even though they live far from the church and it is expensive to go every week they have always had enough money to make it to the church.  I just love them so much.  It is Tatay Jonnifer Nanay Analyn and their kids Angel 16, John Paul 13, Cristine 11, Jun Jun 9, Jerra 6, and Jenesis 3

Those are most of our progressing investigators and we have them scheduled to be baptized by the end of June so pray for them to keep progressing.

Also I got the package that you sent in April it is great but I still haven't got the one from Jensons.  It's all good though it's the thought that counts.

Love you tons!!

Sorry I forgot to take Pictures next week nalang!!

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