Sunday, April 29, 2018

Busy Busy Busy

Yeah so as you can tell by the title of this email we had a bunch of stuff going on this week.

1st off last week we had a FHE with a member super far in the Bukid.  We got to cook some food over a campfire and share a lesson and play some games and it was super fun.  It started pouring rain while we were there so we got to walk back home for like 2 hours in the rain and of course I forgot my payong(umbrella) so I was soaked.

2nd we had exchanges in Carigara.  I was with Elder Lopez who is from Utah and he is super dope.  We taught a bunch of lessons and it was good to be back in a Waray Waray area.  I like Waray-Waray much more than cebuano.  

3rd we had zone conference in Tacloban.  It was super fun to be with a bunch of missionaries and to learn from President Argana.  He gave a training about a talk from President Monson I think about Faces of Failure and Attitudes of Accomplishments.  It was basically that I don't ever need to be discouraged because as long as I give my all the Lord will make up the rest.  The conference was supposed to end at lunch time but it ended up going until 5 so we missed our van back to Calubian so our entire zone of elders stayed in the Carigara apartment.  It was a pretty good time.

4th we had exchanges in Calubian with the other elders in our district.  We found a couple new people so that was good.

Sadly Jhon Rex and Noel didn't come to church last week so we had to push their baptism back a few weeks.  They still want to be baptized they have just been busy so we are just encouraging and praying for them.

Also we had a member invite her friend to church.  Brother Joel and he is super awesome.  We were able to teach him at the Church and it was a super good lesson and the spirit was super strong.  He accepted an IBD so that was super awesome. 

Pretty busy crazy week but it was super fun. 

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission

Carigara Zone

Zone Conference lunch with Elder Gomboc

Zone Conference haka???

Sitting in the Throne at Robinsons

 Us with the Family of Jhon Rex and Noel

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