Monday, February 5, 2018

A Busy Week with a Shocking Revelation

Well this was a crazy week just as expected I will list all the events one by one to make sure not to forget anything.

1. Zone Conference: So we had a big training from many different zone leaders and sister training leaders and we got chastised a little bit for not budgeting very well in the mission and lacking some scheduling on P-Days that was a pretty good time but I have repented and now we budget well and are scheduling our P-Days.  The best part was President Argana gave a big training about how to teach for understanding and not just to cover a lesson.  He had a few different companionships practice teach in front of everyone in Waray-waray if you are from America or english if you are filipino.  Everyone pretty much failed.  It was kinda hilarious!  President then said that he would rate us all at about a 3/10 for teaching skills so some more chastising.  

2.  Zone Interviews: We were back in Tacloban again this week and we had another training about Mission Protocol because a lot of missionaries were telling any problems they had with their companion straight to President so I think he was getting tired of that and wants them to figure it out on their own.  During my Interview President was like Elder Holmstead I need you to keep working hard because someday soon you will be called as a trainer and I need you to help change the mission culture.  He is scaring me saying I might be a trainer so now i'm a little nervous for next cycle.

3.Exchanges: So we had exchanges with the Mayorga elders once again.  I was assigned with Elder Suruiz.  He's a super good missionary and we taught some really good lessons.  We were trying to apply the teaching for understanding that President Argana talked about and we taught this family about Adam and Eve and the fall and they told us that they learned a lot that they had never learned before and were really excited to continue learning about the gospel.  It was a super good lesson and the spirit was strong.  Elder Suruiz told me my waray-waray was really good but I think he was just making me feel good but at least by now I can basically share any of the lessons and kinda make my way around on my own.

As for the shocking revelation Mom you will be especially surprised by this.  I am really enjoying fruits and vegetables.  I realized this for myself this week and I was very surprised.  Either the fruits and vegetables here are just really good or a miracle has occurred to help me enjoy the food but filipino is amazing and I am learning how to cook it so hopefully I can cook up some good food in the future.

Anyways the investigators in our area are doing good they are all doing about the same as last week because we only got to teach them once but they are progressing well.  Also Brother Rolando came to church this week which was super awesome so hopefully he can keep progressing.  

Thanks for all the prayers and support!

Love you,
Elder Holmstead

Cute filipino kid in our area that loves me and Elder Escalona

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