Monday, September 17, 2018

Baptisms and Super Typhoons

So the big news for this week was we had a baptism!!!

Bro Juhann got baptized and it was a big success.  He was super scared to share his testimony with the branch after he was baptized but he did super well and everyone was way impressed.  

We also had Super Typhoon Ompong come through.  We heard that it was going to come to our mission but then it headed up to Luzon so it missed us.  We just got a little bit of rain and dark skies for a few days but our work was not affected so that was good. We saw some updates that people were getting evacuated in Northern Luzon so we have been keeping them in our prayers and are grateful that it didn't affect us.

Another great part of the week was that we had exchanges with the AP's.  I was with Elder Jaring who was in my 1st apartment and we have already gone on exchanges before.  We actually did exchanges my 1st day in Tacloban so it was kinda like deja vue that we are now getting older in the mission.  We had a super good day and taught some really powerful lessons.  We taught a guy who wants to go on a misson and the spirit was super strong.  I struggled a little bit because Tacloban is Waray Waray H and now i'm like fully adjusted to Cebuano so it was a struggle but we still brought the spirit so it was a success.

We have continued to work with Bro. Marlon who wants to get baptized at the end of October and Sister Kristine who is progressing really well.  We have really needed some help with our finding and we had MCM yesterday and recieved some revelation that we need to involve the members more in our work.  I have realized that every member of the church has the chance to be a missionary and to help bring people to Christ.  It is almost impossible for the missionaries to do the work alone but as President M. Russell Ballard said " if we are united, we are unstoppable" so we are going to see if we can get some more success working with the members.

Love you tons!!

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission

I'll send some pics next week because these computers aren't working.  Gotta love the Philippines ;)

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