Sunday, June 10, 2018

Slowly but Surely

Lagi a lot happened this week I don't know where to start.

I guess we had our exchanges this week in Carigara so we got to work there for a day and it was a pretty good time.  We taught some investigators that I have never met before and we did it all in Waray H.  I love Waray H but it was super hard to switch back to it after being in Calubian for 4 months.

Our investigators are still doing super good.  We had a few challenges come up this week so it kinda slowed down there progress but they are still moving towards baptism.  There is a rule for the Philippines that investigators have to come to church for 4 out of 6 weeks to get baptized so we had Jhon Rex and Noel's baptism scheduled for this week but they didn't come to church so we will have to push it to next week.  Pray that they will come to church.  

As for the Balse Family they are doing super good.  We practiced a baptismal interview with them and they are remembered what we taught and have really developed testimonies.  But Sister shared that she had an abortion in the past so now we have to have her get interviewed by President Argana which may move her baptism as well.  Sayong but it's ok.  I know that God has a plan for each of his children and that he knows when they will join his church.  

Aside from that the work is still going good.  We got a referral from a member that is actually a 10 year old that is from a part member family and we thought she was already a member so we will get her baptized pretty soon too.  

I know this Gospel is true and I love seeing it change people's lives.  I love seeing the pictures of everyone at the temple.  I am definitely grateful to be part of a family that is strong in the Gospel and that we have been sealed for time and all eternity.  It is such an amazing blessing in my life.

Question from mom and dad: What is the most spiritual experience you have had on your mission?
Ooh that's a good question.  The two experiences that are coming to me are my first baptisms just because the spirit was super powerful and I was able to find and teach them all the lessons so it was just a really powerful spirit.  The second actually happened this week. We were teaching the Balse Family and Sister just started sharing her conversion story to us that she didn't really want to meet with us at the start but she slowly started to listen and started to feel the spirit.  Then she started to see the blessing from testing the commitments that we gave to her.  I just felt the spirit very powerfully during her testimony that the Gospel is true and that it is the way to true happiness in this life.
Love you tons!!

Elder Holmstead
Philippines Tacloban Mission

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